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Should diabetics eat chocolates?

Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can never enjoy the pleasure of eating chocolate, but it does mean that it should be eaten as part of a healthy meal plan on occasion; this goes for all people, whether they have diabetes or not. Portion control is the key to enjoying foods like chocolate. Limit yourself to a very small portion and save it for special occasions. Some types of chocolate, such as dark chocolate, might even have health benefits, in moderation of course.
Does chocolate have any health benefits?
It is true that chocolate contains several beneficial nutrients. However, keep in mind that if a large amount of chocolate is consumed, it will raise blood sugars and the high calories in chocolate could lead to weight gain. High blood sugars and obesity can increase your chances of heart disease and other problems.
The health benefits of chocolate apply only to dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better the health benefits. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavanols. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage caused by high blood sugars; flavanols can lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and increase sensitivity to insulin, which helps with blood sugar control.
Studies of people with diabetes and high blood pressure showed that eating dark chocolate with a high cocoa content for 16 weeks lowered blood pressure, improved insulin resistance and increased HDL cholesterol levels (the “good” cholesterol).
Regardless of the type of chocolate you choose to enjoy, remember it should be an occasional treat for anyone, not just for people with diabetes. Enjoy it in small doses and savour every bit of it!