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How does cocoa powder improve Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes?

Though overconsumption of chocolate is certainly not good for blood sugar control, cocoa does, in fact, have some anti-diabetic effects.
Test-tube studies indicate that cocoa flavanols can slow down carbohydrate digestion and absorption in the gut, improve insulin secretion, reduce inflammation and stimulate the uptake of sugar out of the blood into the muscle
Some studies have shown that a higher intake of flavanols, including those from cocoa, can result in a lower risk of type 2 diabetes
Additionally, a review of human studies showed that eating flavanol-rich dark chocolate or cocoa can help control blood sugar and reduce inflammation in diabetic and nondiabetic people
Despite these promising results, there are inconsistencies in the research with some studies finding only a limited effect, slightly worse control of diabetes or no effect at all
Nevertheless, these results combined with the more concrete positive effects on heart health indicate cocoa polyphenols may have a positive impact on both preventing and controlling diabetes, though more research is required.